When Evangelism Meets Scientism
Apologetics is the ministry of defending and commending the Christian faith, in hopes of persuading people of its truthfulness, goodness, and beauty. Admittedly, such persuasion
Apologetics is the ministry of defending and commending the Christian faith, in hopes of persuading people of its truthfulness, goodness, and beauty. Admittedly, such persuasion
Michael Graham is the program director for The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics and coauthor of The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going,
Faithfully following Jesus in a digital and media-saturated society involves more than not using our devices for explicitly immoral purposes. Forming biblical wisdom requires being
Dr. Keith Plummer addresses the tempting sin of self-righteousness from the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in Luke 18.
Cairn University’s Professor of New Testament, Dr. Kevin McFadden, is the author of Hidden with Christ in God: A Theology of Colossians and Philemon, in
“To live with OCD is to be vulnerable to the machinations of your own mind. . . . It is an Affliction that lives in
Proponents of physician-assisted death present it as an act of compassion that recognizes the dignity of those suffering from terminal diseases and other illnesses. Dr.
Over his almost two decades as host of the UK-based radio program and podcast Unbelievable?, Justin Brierly facilitated countless thoughtful conversations about faith and unbelief
Since 2014, Ligonier Ministries and Lifeway Research have conducted a biannual survey called “The State of Theology” to track what Americans in general and American