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When AI Means Artificial Intimacy: A Conversation with Michael Sacasas

hand reaching out to touch a button on the top of an Amazon Alexa tower

For several years, Michael Sacasas, executive director of the Christian Study Center of Gainesville, has reflected on and written about the effects of emerging technologies on us individually and societally. His work explores how our interactions with technology affect how we answer the questions of what it means to be human and the nature of the “good life.” In this episode, he talks with Dr. Keith Plummer about how his interest in technology and theology arose, the Christian study center movement, and the problems with our becoming increasingly acclimated to treating computers as suitable conversation partners.

Keith Plummer

Dr. Keith Plummer is the dean of the School of Divinity at Cairn University and a fellow with the Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics.

headshot of Michael Sarcasas

Michael Sacasas is the executive director of the Christian Study Center of Gainesville.

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